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Animation Library > Geography and History > Russia

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This category contains 16 animations. Feel free to browse through all of the animations and click on the ones you'd like to download, add to favorites or send as a great looking digital postcard.



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Description:A Russian Cossack wearing a bright red suit and fur hat dances a traditional Russian folk dance.
Rating: 2.68 / 5
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Cossack smiles

Cossack smiles

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Description:A Russian Cossack cartoon character in traditional dress.
Rating: 2.55 / 5
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Czar Nickolai

Czar Nickolai

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Description:A Russian cartoon character with fur hat and traditional outfit.
Rating: 3.11 / 5
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Guy with vodka

Guy with vodka

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Description:A Russian guy drinking vodka.
Rating: 2.86 / 5
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Hammer and Sickle

Hammer and Sickle

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Description:A red symbol representing Russia: hammer and sickle.
Rating: 3.81 / 5
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Description:An animation of the Russian Kremlin, tilting from side to side.
Rating: 2.15 / 5
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Man in raft

Man in raft

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Description:A man travelling in a raft.
Rating: 3.04 / 5
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Old lady

Old lady

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Description:An old Russian lady carries a big bin on her back
Rating: 2.25 / 5
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Click to view Czar Nickolai
A Russian cartoon character with fur hat and traditional outfit.

Click to view Kremlin
An animation of the Russian Kremlin, tilting from side to side.

Click to view Old lady
An old Russian lady carries a big bin on her back